Sand My Regards is a project I have chosen to embark on to document the temporary dwellers of the seashore. I find intrigue behind the tales entailed to each respective find. It explores the phases of functionality that hinges both on corporeality and spiritual leanings.
I would commence the course of the project by focusing on Changi Beach, at the east side of Singapore. As this beach specifically holds a function of being a funerary site of the local Hindu community, there are numerous ritualistic ornaments left at the beach.
I would like to impart new perspectives and pique the curiosity of viewers to question how the objects got to where they are, at the same time, questioning its probable past and future states. Above that, I, as the photographer, get to impart personal and artistic deliberations along the way, allowing me to explore my own individual perception of value, worth, beauty and taste. Of what ideals warrant the importance of being documented, what to let go.
I would commence the course of the project by focusing on Changi Beach, at the east side of Singapore. As this beach specifically holds a function of being a funerary site of the local Hindu community, there are numerous ritualistic ornaments left at the beach.
I would like to impart new perspectives and pique the curiosity of viewers to question how the objects got to where they are, at the same time, questioning its probable past and future states. Above that, I, as the photographer, get to impart personal and artistic deliberations along the way, allowing me to explore my own individual perception of value, worth, beauty and taste. Of what ideals warrant the importance of being documented, what to let go.