The next portion of the project, Exit/Exist was manifested through the artist desire to have a more intimate, emotional variant to the installation, to thread all the strings together. As the title suggests, the series speaks of that ambiguity between leaving and living. The artist want this section to be an externalization of the disquietude stirring within him.
One where there is a struggle in reclaiming his identity. He holds the belief that the Self is dissipating, hence the 6 image piece, follows a narrative of losing the face.
Aside from putting forth this feeling of decadence, it crosses a dangerous supposition on the turbulence of finding faith. In today’s age, the artist posited that the distortion and fabrication of truths creates a perplexity in the spirituality of oneself. He feels that there is always that transition phase where the real does not seem as it is and the Self gets trapped in that in-between territory.